
Be Audacious. Be Mysterious. Be Silly. Be You.

You’ll never be younger than you are today, make the most of it!

Group events are designed to remind you who you are, in your original form. At your most confident, most audacious, most authentically YOU. Before society told you what you needed to be or look like or what to accomplish. Before someone broke your trust and made you feel like you weren’t enough. Before little fragments of you were scattered across the universe with roles like provider, mother, caretaker, boss, employee. Just… YOU. Amazing you! Because you ARE enough. You ARE beautiful. You ARE one of a kind. Join other lovely individuals seeking to be reminded of this, meet other awesome people and be supported. Simply have some great fun together, getting away somewhere beautiful. Let your imagine run wild as we pull you out into the light and reflect back to you all that you ever were and can be. For many U.S. shoots, there’s a 30 foot trailer on shoot to dress in with snacks, drinks, a bathroom to use and other great people to bond with, giggle with, support and to share a good time. Depending on the temperatures and location, we all may stay for a fire and some relaxing time after the shoot.

Private events do all the same things but you have the time and shoot to yourself or make it a private party with your chosen people, friends and family. If you would prefer some one on one creative and pampering time. This one is for you. It’s all about you and all for you, all to yourself or your chosen crew to share it with.

Please see terms on the bookings before sending fees. By booking and paying you agree to the photo release of all photos to photographer for marketing purposes or otherwise. All fees are non-refundable, but are transferrable and can be rescheduled up to one year as long as 24 hours prior to a scheduled shoot is given.